'Media assessment learner response'
1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW: this is a strong first assessment in media with clear potential to go even higher. we need to push your target grade! you've clearly already got a good knowledge of media terminology so if we can develop your exam technique we can push onto to the top levels.
EBI: focus on the higher mark questions- particularly the 12 mark unseen text. you start really well but need a lot more for the top levels - annotating the text will help, as well discussing a wide range of potential meanings.
- keep an eye o your written English
Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the mark you achieved for each question:
Q1: 1/1
Q2: 1/1
Q1: 1/1
Q2: 1/1
Q3: 4/12
Q4: 1/2
Q5: 4/6
Q6: 5/8
3) Identify one of your stronger questions. Why did you do better on this question? Use the mark scheme to help you with this.
Q6 - This is because i do psychology and am aware of why people feel immense empathy towards children.
Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of I could have made more references to water aid as a prime example.
the theoretical framework, demonstrated by
generally effective explanation of why
advertisers use children.
Mostly appropriate and effective use of
media terminology throughout.
4) Identify one of your weaker questions. Why did you score lower on this particular question? Use the mark scheme to help you with Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages
with the nuanced aspects of how design and layout are used.
Focus on meanings created by different elements of design and layout
is thorough and effective throughout.
Consistent appropriate and effective use of subject specific
terminology throughout.
Good analysis of the product that is clear and generally engages with
the nuanced aspects of how design and layout are used.
Focus on meanings created by different elements of design and layout
is mostly effective although lacks clarity in places.
Mostly appropriate and effective use of subject specific terminology.
Some satisfactory analysis of the product that engages with obvious
or more straightforward aspects of how design and layout are used.
Focus on meanings created by different elements of design and layout
is inconsistent.
Occasionally appropriate use of subject specific terminology.
Basic analysis of the product only focusing on the more
straightforward aspects of how design and layout are used. Likely to
be more descriptive than analytical.
Focus on the meanings created by the different elements of design
and layout is largely absent.
Very little, if any, appropriate use of subject specific terminology.
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