Blog feedback and LR - October
WWW: You’ve got some excellent work on your blog already and combined with your contributions in class I’m absolutely delighted with the start you’ve made in Media – keep up the good work! Your fruit bowl is stunning and I totally agree with the text you’ve written alongside it in terms of the atmosphere you created. This clearly demonstrates your potential in terms of technical and creative skills and so the challenge is to match that in our media analysis.
EBI: I think the key area to look at is making sure our work is fully completed. There is no problem with publishing something that still needs finishing but you then need to find the time to go back and complete it – remember you are always welcome to come to Media to work at break or lunch if this is helpful! Currently, your 10 questions work is unfinished (missing last couple of questions) and you also haven’t quite finished the film poster analysis and denotation/connotation. For the film poster analysis, for audience write who you think the target audience is and why you think that and then for representation you could discuss the way the main actor is represented on the poster (this is challenging though!) Remember there is are examples on the blog to help you with this too.
Therefore, the first priority is to make sure the following is completed and posted to your blog:
10 questions blog task:
Key Concepts film poster analysis:
Denotation and connotation:
LR: Post the missing/incomplete pieces of work.
Then, create a new blogpost on your Media blog called ‘Blog feedback and Learner Response’. Copy and paste this WWW/EBI feedback into your blogpost then complete the LR tasks/questions below.
Reflect on your first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
- denotation and connation was my strongest piece of work
-Industries in key concepts was confusing for me.
- im understanding everything much better now :)
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